Everything about third party liability insurance in the Netherlands (WA)
'WA' is the abbreviation for Legal Liability. It is mandatory insurance in the Netherlands when owning a motor vehicle, such as a car, moped or motorcycle. Third party liability insurance reimburses the damage you cause to someone else with your motor vehicle. Insurance is only mandatory if you own a car, moped or motorcycle.

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Why is third party liability insurance mandatory for cars?
It is mandatory to insure yourself against legal liability, otherwise you may cause damage to someone else's car. By making this insurance mandatory, everyone is insured against this type of damage. In addition, the obligation ensures that the insurance is affordable. In short: you take out third party liability insurance to cover damage to others and because it is mandatory. Driving around without third party insurance is a crime.
What does third party liability insurance reimburse?
Do you have a motor vehicle in your name? Then you are obliged to take out third party liability insurance. If you cause damage to the vehicle, this will be reimbursed by your insurance. It only concerns damage that you cause to someone else.
Renting a car
When renting a car for a short period, the company you rent the car from is responsible for the third party liability insurance. Are you renting the car for a long time? Then you must take out third party liability insurance yourself.
In short: you take out third party liability insurance to cover damage to others and because it is mandatory. Driving around without third party insurance is a crime.
Types of third party insurance
Third party insurance comes in different types. There is the normal third party liability insurance, the WA+ limited comprehensive insurance and the WA+ full comprehensive insurance. The difference between these insurance policies is the coverage and the costs of the third party liability insurance.
Ordinary third party liability insurance
Regular third party liability insurance is the cheapest. This insurance is therefore the most stripped down. It does not compensate for anything other than damage to third parties. There must be two cars involved in the accident and damage, a collision with an animal will not be reimbursed for example.
WA+ limited hull insurance
A third-party liability + limited comprehensive insurance offers sufficient coverage for most people. This insurance covers risks of the following causes of damage:
Damage to third parties or a two-sided accident
Fire, explosions and lightning strikes
A crack in the windshield
Collisions with animals
Storm and other natural disasters
The difference with full comprehensive insurance is that certain risks are not covered. For example, damage is not covered if the car skids or falls into water.
WA+ full hull insurance
The most comprehensive insurance is theWA+ full comprehensive insurance. This covers the risks of these causes of damage:
Damage to third parties or a two-sided accident
Fire, explosions and lightning strikes
A crack in the windshield
Collisions with animals
Storm and other natural disasters
Collisions, skidding and landing in the water
Other external disasters
Insurance coverage
The most extensive coverage is the WA+ full hull. Almost all damage is covered, unless it is expressly excluded in the policy. Below is an overview of the coverage per type of third-party insurance.
Type of damage | Third party insurance | WA+ limited hull | WA+ full hull |
Damage to third parties (liability) | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Fire damage | No | Yes | Yes |
Theft damage | No | Yes | Yes |
Star in the windshield | No | Yes | Yes |
Collision with wild animals | No | Yes | Yes |
Storm damage to the car | No | Yes | Yes |
Own damage due to a collision | No | No | Yes |
Slip pity | No | No | Yes |
Hitting the water | No | No | Yes |
Other damage due to external disasters | No | No | Yes |
Car insurance for business or private purposes
If you are an entrepreneur you can insure your car for business or private purposes. This will depend on the purpose for which you use the car. If you mainly drive your car for business purposes, it may be wise to insure it for business purposes. A business car provides a tax benefit. This way you can reclaim the VAT on the car and the costs for the car are tax deductible, which could be important if you are self-employed for example. Moreover, with business car insurance you can claim business deductions and thus pay less tax. It is important to know that not all insurers offer business car insurance. For example, sometimes the number of kilometres you can drive your car for business purposes is limited. Business car insurance is often mandatory for couriers and transporters. It is essential to read the policy conditions and discuss the situation with your accountant and your insurer.
Which coverage should I choose?
Which insurance policy is best for you often depends on the age of the vehicle. For example, it is best to insure a new car (between 0 and 5 years) with the full hull.
It is best to insure a slightly older car (6 to 10 years) with limited comprehensive insurance to cover against most common causes of damage.
A car that is more than 10 years old is actually no longer worth insuring extensively. In the event of an accident, there is often so much damage that the car must be replaced in almost all cases. Therefore, it is sufficient to only cover the damage to others. A normal third-party liability insurance will then suffice.
There are more reasons to opt for broader coverage than the age of the car. For example, if you are very dependent on the car, do not have much money, or have not yet paid off the car loan, it is wise to choose more extensive coverage. Anyone who has many claim-free years, or owns a car with a high current value, should also opt for broader coverage.

What is and is not insured with WA?
Unlike other insurance policies, third party liability insurance has basic coverage.This covers liability, so for instance if the damage was caused when driving a motorised vehicle and for which the driver is liable.
Coverage includes:
Damage to other persons and vehicles.
Damage caused by a load falling from your car.
Damage you cause with a trailer.
Damage to another car that belongs to you.
Coverage doesn’t include:
Damage to your own car, trailer, caravan or trailer tent.
Damage caused during loading and unloading.
Damage to yourself and your own belongings.
Damage if you do not have a valid driver's licence.
Damage due to alcohol or drug abuse.
Non-permitted exclusions in third party liability insurance
Please note that third party liability insurance often includes all kinds of unauthorised exclusions. Unauthorised exclusions form a special category, meaning that the third party liability insurer compensates for the damage.The insurer recovers the compensation paid from the insured. The insurer will therefore first pay the victim and then ask the insured to repay some things.
When to a choose third party liability insurance?
When the premium is out of proportion to the current value, it is a shame to take out extensive coverage. That is why most people opt for third party liability insurance when the car is 10 years or older. In addition to the age of the car, consider these conditions:
Should the value of your car increase in the future it might not be the best choice
The claim-free years that have been accrued
Can and do you want to bear the risk if your car is a total loss?
The costs of the third party liability insurance premium.
In general, the coverage below applies:
Age of the car | Type of coverage |
0-6 years | All-risk insurance |
6-10 years | Third party liability+ insurance |
10 years and older | Third party insurance |
Deductible for third party liability insurance
A deductible is an amount that the insured must pay in the event of damage. Deductibles are included in most insurance policies but there is usually no deductible for third-party damage.
The amount of the deductible varies per insurer and depends on:
The value of the car
The age of the driver
The car's security options
The cause of the damage
The chosen repair company
The region in which you live
Many insurers allow you to choose a higher deductible in exchange for a premium discount. With a number of insurers, the deductible can also be bought off in exchange for a higher premium. Sometimes insurers drop the deductible, for example in the case of car theft or joyriding.
Claim-free years and third party liability insurance
Anyone who has car insurance in their name and does not claim damage builds up claim-free years. The concept is very simple: for every year that no damage is claimed, you get a claim-free year. When damage is claimed, claim-free years are lost. In principle, five claim-free years are lost when claiming damage. Anyone who has 15 claim-free years and claims damage will therefore reduce to 10 claim-free years. Anyone who has 3 claim-free years falls back to -2 claim-free years. However, it is not possible to have less than -5 claim-free years. In other words, anyone who has -1 claim-free years drops to -5 claim-free years.
The claim-free years influence the premium amount. To determine how much discount a claim-free year provides, insurers use a bonus-malus ladder. A premium discount applies per step. The number of steps and the discount per step differs per insurer.
When switching to a new insurer, a central database of no-claims data ensures that your claim-free years are not lost. Please note that claim-free years expire over time. This is usually the case if you have not had car insurance in your own name for three years.
Third party insurance and driving abroad
It is important to realise that a car is not only used within Dutch borders, and accidents can happen. Fortunately, Dutch third party liability insurance also offers coverage in other EU countries. Always check with your insurer though, as it is not always guaranteed, especially outside of the EU.
If it turns out that the third party liability insurance is not valid in the country in question, it is necessary to ask the insurer for a (temporary) extension of coverage or to take out additional insurance at the border of the country.
Compare third party insurance policies
If you are looking for car insurance it is a good idea to conduct comparative research, as policy conditions can differ from one insurer to the next.
What can the motorist pay attention to when comparing these insurance policies? A number of points of interest.
Comparing coverage
There are three types of coverage for third-party liability insurance: the third party liability insurance itself (standard), limited comprehensive insurance and all-risk insurance. All-risk insurance is the most comprehensive insurance, but it also has a higher premium than limited comprehensive insurance or third party liability insurance.
Third party liability insurance premium
You should pay attention to the premium you pay monthly (or annually). This can vary greatly per insurer. As mentioned earlier, it is important not only to look at the lowest premium, but also at the amount of the deductible and the coverage that comes with it. Please note that some insurers also offer package discounts, which can make them extra affordable.
Policy conditions
It is important to look carefully at the policy conditions. Different insurers will have different policy conditions, and it might be worthwhile to you to choose a slightly higher premium or different coverage conditions depending on your circumstances. Always read the details of the policy condition carefully before signing up.
The deductible
Non-life insurers often have a deductible. This is the part of the damage that the insured must pay themselves. With third-party liability limited comprehensive insurance or all-risk insurance, a deductible often applies. You can reduce the premium by including a higher deductible, but this means a higher bill in the event of damage occurring.
Pay for damages yourself?
The insured could consider paying the damage amount themselves and not claiming from the insurer. This way, the insured does not lose claim-free years. For each damage incurred, the insured falls back five years in claim-free years. This causes the premium to increase. It is therefore important to determine what is sensible for each claim.
Additional car insurance
You can think of coverage for legal counsel, roadside assistance or theft. It is good to determine in advance which additional coverage is relevant to you and then include this in the comparison. Keep in mind that additional coverage may lead to a higher premium, so carefully consider which additional costs are worth it.
Avoid double insurance
In the Netherlands we tend to insure ourselves for all kinds of things. Ultimately, this leads to overinsurance or double insurance, which is a waste of money. Check your different insurance policies to prevent this happening.
Customer service
How easy is it to contact customer service when you need help? Is there 24/7 accessibility in the event of an accident and damage? You also need to consider how easy it is to submit claims online or whether processes are completed over the telephone.
Damage free years
Look at the policy detail about what happens to your claim-free years in the event of damage. In some cases, you may keep the same number of claim-free years in the event of a single accident.
Duration of the contract
Pay attention to the length of the contract and always look out for the notice period conditions and what is expected of you should you make it clear you wish to cancel the contract.
Look at customer reviews
One of the best ways to get a feel for a insurance company is to look at reviews that other customers have left online about the customer service, contractual issues, and other parts of the policy
Costs of third party liability insurance
When choosing the right third party insurance, the premium obviously plays an important role. The premium amount is based on various factors, including the deductible you choose. In addition, there can sometimes be large price differences between insurers.
Reasons cost varies per coverage
The cost of insurance varies per coverage. Because one coverage is more extensive than the other, the price of insurance differs. More extensive coverage obviously costs more than insurance with minimal coverage.
Age plays a role
The age of the insured person plays an important role in third-party liability insurance. Young people under the age of 24 pay higher premiums due to the lack of experience on the roads. As the insured gets older, the costs for third party insurance decrease. Even one year older can make a big difference. Then it pays to switch, as a different provider might cost less.
Place of residence on third party insurance costs
Where you live can have an impact on the cost of third-party liability insurance, as in some regions the costs are higher due to a greater risk of theft or vandalism, or in locations where there are higher incidences of traffic accidents. Always report the change of address with your insurer if you move property.
Damage free years
The higher the number of claim-free years that you accrue, the higher the potential discounts available on your premium when shopping around for a new insurance policy or renewing with your current provider.
Distance travelled per year
If you only drive a few kilometres per year, your premium will probably be lower than if you drive a lot. This is because the chances of you being involved in an accident are lower if you are on the road less often.
Additional coverage
In addition to third-party liability insurance the cost of your premium could rise depending on any additional coverage that you request to be added, such as comprehensive insurance or breakdown assistance coverage.
Features of the car
The weight of your car, how fast it is, and the power of the car will all have an impact on the cost, as faster and heavier cars are more likely to cause damage.
10 ways to save on third party liability insurance
There are a few ways in which you can save money on your third-party liability insurance. We’ve put together 10 tips to help you make the most of your situation, to discover promotions and discounts, and to lower your premium where you can.
1. Check the third party liability insurance
It is important to regularly check the third party liability insurance to keep track of any changes that could save you money. This is especially the case when your contract expires, and you should consider the coverage and not just the cost itself.
2. Choosing the right insurance
The insurance coverage is at least as important as the premium. Many Dutch people insure their car all-risk as standard. That makes sense for an expensive car,a young car, or a car for which there is still a loan. But for many other cars, third party liability insurance or limited comprehensive insurance is also sufficient.
3. Premium decrease
The (monthly) premium can often also be reduced. This can be done, for example, by paying the premium annually or by taking a higher deductible.
4. Pay the premium annually
Paying annually is always cheaper than paying monthly. Anyone who has enough money on hand to pay for the entire year's insurance at once should consider this option, as it saves on administration costs and often comes with a discount.
5. Higher deductible
By taking a higher deductible, the insured person pays a lower premium for car insurance. This deductible mainly occurs with a limited disability Casco insurance or all-risk insurance.
6. Watch out for double coverage
The Dutch have the habit of insuring themselves for everything. We like to be sure of our case. As a result, many motorists have double insurance, which is a waste of money.
7. Get more out of insurance
It is better not to claim minor damages, so that there is no fall back on the bonus-malus ladder. It is also a good idea to choose affiliated repairers if the damage is claimed, where the insured often has to pay less or even no deductible to the insurance company. On WA.nl You can find all kinds of information to make a good choice.
8. Choose mileage insurance
There are insurers who offer so-called ‘mileage insurance’. This type of insurance is based on the number of kilometres you drive per year. The fewer kilometres you drive, the lower your premium could be. Take into account the expected number of kilometres per year before you decide to switch to mileage insurance.
9. Compare every year
An important tip to save on the costs of third party insurance is to compare and contrast every year to switch to another insurer if that is more beneficial. Car insurance premiums can change annually. Plus, your personal situation might have changed, leading to even greater potential savings.
10. Switching to less comprehensive coverage
Comprehensive insurance is good for a new car, but after a few years switching to limited comprehensive insurance makes sense. This provides coverage for damage you cause to others, theft and damage caused by fire or storm, for example. After ten years you can switch to third party insurance, but always ensure you are covered for your specifics.
Reasons to switch third party insurance
Expensive insurance is not necessarily better than cheap third party insurance. It does happen that expensive insurance offers better coverage, but that is more the exception than the rule. Here are some reasons why you might consider switching your third-party insurance policy.
Switch to save
Research shows that there are significant price differences between car insurance policies with the same coverage. Changing third party insurance can easily save 200 Euro per year in some circumstances.
Dissatisfaction with current insurer
Not satisfied with the service of your current third party insurer? You may have problems with the handling of a claim or you may not be able to contact the insurer. Consider switching to an insurer with a better customer service experience.
Package discount with another insurer
If you have multiple insurance policies with the same insurer, you may be eligible for a package discount with a different insurer. This can amount to up to 10% of the total premium in some cases, bringing home contents and travel insurance together for example.
Bought a new car
If you have purchased a new car, your current third party insurer may no longer be the best option. For example, you want an insurer that specifically specialises in sports cars or vintage cars.
If you move, this may also affect your third party liability insurance. For example, if you move to a busy city or a neighbourhood with a high risk of burglary, your third-party liability insurance premium may be significantly higher than before.
Coverage adjustment
If your current third party insurance no longer provides the right coverage for your car, it is time to switch. Maybe you have an older car that no longer needs full comprehensive insurance, or maybe you want higher coverage.
Improved technology
Insurers are increasingly using new technology to assess risks and set premiums. This can be done, for example, by means of black box technology or driving behaviour analysis. If you want an insurer who uses this, or it is forced on you, you can switch.
Switch to business use
If you are going to use your car for business purposes, it is important to switch to third party liability insurance for business use. There are different conditions and coverage for entrepreneurs than with private insurance.
How to switch to another third party insurer
Switching to another third party insurer is easy, and you can do it via the internet. There are three simple steps to follow. In practice, many third party insurers offer a switching service and will help the new customer make the switch.
Submit an application to a new third party insurer
It is advisable to always submit a new application first and only then cancel the old third-party liability insurance. The new insurer can refuse and then there is a risk that you will be left without third party insurance.
Choose an effective date
When the motorist applies for new insurance, a date can be agreed on which the insurance must take effect (the same day as the old insurance expires). Switching is often not possible during the first year of the contract, but there are also exceptions.
Cancel the current third party insurance
Only terminate the contract with your existing insurer once you have received a final decision from the new third-party insurer. You can cancel by phone or internet in most cases. It is important to have proof of termination.
When can I switch?
Your third party liability insurance comes with a contract duration. A contract usually runs for one year. Anyone who wants to switch can terminate the insurance subject to a notice period from the contract expiry date, by sending a registered letter. If the premium or conditions change you can cancel without notice.
Want to take claim-free years with you?
Claim-free years are accrued with every insurer. These are checked by the insurer, but must be communicated to the new insurer in advance. You can request how many claim-free years you have from your current insurer. If you use a no-claims protector, this is not valid with a new insurer. Ultimately, a new insurance policy may become more expensive than the current insurance policy as a result, so pay close attention to the new cost of your insurance when switching.
Third party insurers in the Netherlands
Anyone who wants to take out third-party liability insurance will notice that the Netherlands has a great freedom of choice. There are many third-party insurers active, all with their own premiums, policies and conditions. With such insurance, the insured is at least insured against damage to others caused by the insured's vehicle. By opting for more extensive coverage, you can also have your own damage to your own vehicle insured. As a proud owner of a car, you are obliged to take out third party liability insurance. With this insurance you are insured against damage that you cause to others with your car. But who is best to take out third party liability insurance with? In the Netherlands there are several insurers that offer third party liability insurance. To give you a helping hand, we have made an overview of these third party liability insurers and what they have to offer you. This way you can make a choice more easily and hit the road with peace of mind.
Allianz Direct
Centraal Beheer
The difference between third party liability insurance and liability insurance
Third party insurance is a type of liability insurance. It covers the legal liability that must be insured when a motor vehicle is put into traffic. Without third party liability insurance, it is not permitted to use a motorised vehicle on public roads. The law also contains requirements that third-party liability insurance must meet. For example, the insurer must compensate at least 5.6 million Euro for personal injury.
When people talk about “liability insurance”, they are often talking about a different type of liability insurance: liability insurance for private individuals (AVP insurance). The AVP insurance reimburses damage caused to someone else, but not damage caused when using a motor vehicle. Damage caused intentionally and damage to rented or borrowed items are usually not reimbursed by the AVP insurance. For example, it will compensate for the damage if you cause an accident with your (electric) bicycle or if your dog bites the neighbour. The insured amount for an AVP insurance is usually between 1 and 2.5 million Euro.
Temporarily suspending third party liability insurance
In some cases it is possible to temporarily suspend car insurance. This is possible if you temporarily do not have a car in your name or because the car has been suspended from the RDW, for example because a long world trip is being undertaken. Please note that the claim-free years generally remain valid for three years. Below is a step-by-step explanation of how to temporarily cancel third-party liability insurance. The first step may be skipped.
1. Temporarily suspend the car
If the car is suspended from the RDW, no road tax is due temporarily and it is no longer necessary to insure the car. There are conditions attached to suspending the car from the RDW. For example, you are not allowed to drive the suspended car and the car is not allowed to be parked on public roads. Furthermore, a suspension in principle does not last more than twelve months, but an extension is possible. The suspension can be requested online, on the phone, or in person.
2. Contact the insurer
After suspending the car, the third party liability insurance is not automatically suspended. The insurer must be contacted for this. The insurer will ask to present an indemnity certificate or a suspension certificate. With most insurers, this suspension is quite simple. Always ask for written confirmation of the suspension.
3. Reactivate car insurance
Finally, it is possible to reactivate the paused car insurance after some time. If this happens within a period of three years, the claim-free years are generally not lost. At this point it may make more economical sense to switch to another insurer.
Frequently asked questions about third party liability insurance
Is there a deductible for third-party liability insurance?
In general, there is no deductible with third-party liability insurance. Some insurers have exceptions to this. This is explicitly stated in the insurance. It is included in the policy conditions.
Does third-party liability insurance also apply to a house?
Third-party liability insurance reimburses the damage that the insured person causes to others with the motor vehicle. This not only concerns damage to other road users, but also, for example, material damage to private or public property. Third party liability insurance also applies to a house, for example if a car drives into the facade of a house.
Is a liability insurance mandatory?
That depends on what you mean by liability insurance. If you are referring to third party liability for motor vehicles (WA): this insurance is mandatory for everyone who has a registered motor vehicle. Driving without insurance is a crime.
What about coverage abroad?
In principle, legal liability insurance applies within the Netherlands. There are insurers who offer worldwide coverage. This means you are insured anywhere in the world.
When should a new car be insured?
Legally, it is mandatory to insure a new car if it is registered in your name. In other words, before you drive the car away from the place where you bought it, it must already be insured.
Do I need third party liability insurance?
Third party insurance is mandatory if you have a moped, a speed pedelec, a scooter, a moped, a motorcycle or a car and the licence plate is registered in your name. Even if you do not own a motor vehicle, but you use one regularly (for example with a long-term rental), third party liability insurance is mandatory.
What does third party liability insurance mean?
WA is the abbreviation for legal liability. In other words, the insurance covers the consequences of legal liability. The name is used in the Netherlands for the insurance that is mandatory for the owner of a motor vehicle. This owner insures themselves in this way for their legal liability as a motor vehicle user and/or owner.
Is third party liability insurance mandatory?
Yes, third party liability insurance is mandatory for owners of a moped, a speed pedelec, a scooter, a moped, a motorcycle or a car that has a licence plate in their name. This concerns propulsion equipment with a motor that is used on public roads. However, this does not include an electric bicycle. Third party insurance is not mandatory for an electric bicycle.
What is third party liability insurance?
Third party liability+ insurance is a name used for car insurance that covers liability on the one hand (third party liability insurance) and on the other hand provides additional coverage, for example if third party liability coverage is combined with comprehensive coverage.
How do I know how many claim-free years I have?
Information about the current number of claim-free years can be requested from the current insurer. After the insurance has been terminated, the information about the claim-free years ends up in Roy data. Information about the current number of claim-free years can then be requested online via the EPS Foundation website. Private individuals can exercise their right of inspection free of charge. Information about old claim-free years is also available online via the website mentioned.
Can I leave my third party insurer without costs?
This varies per insurer. Some insurers charge cancellation costs or termination costs in the event of premature cancellation. This is usually settled with a premium that can still be reclaimed. Sometimes it concerns a few euro's and sometimes it concerns tens of euro's.
Does the premium increase after a claim?
After a claim has been submitted, the third party liability premium may increase. This is because the number of claim-free years decreases and people therefore rise on the bonus-malus ladder. The result is that the discount decreases. By remaining claim-free for a number of years, the full discount can be regained.
What damage is reimbursed by third party insurance?
Third party liability insurance reimburses damage resulting from the legal liability of the driver of a motor vehicle. It concerns the damage caused to others and for which one is liable. In other words, damage to your own vehicle will not be reimbursed.
I have been refused by the new third party insurer. Why is this?
An insurer takes many things into account, such as the value of the car, the power of the car and the safety equipment of the car. Other matters may also play a role, such as the number of claim-free years, a history of non-payment or a criminal history. It is possible to ask the insurer for a clear reason.
Does the third party liability insurer have an acceptance obligation, such as with health insurance?
No, an insurer is not obliged to accept your application for third party liability insurance. There may be reasons for a rejection. For example, if you pose too great a risk.