Information about Disability Insurance (AOV insurance)
For many Dutch entrepreneurs, AOV insurance is an important social safety net that offers protection against illness or disability. It isn’t a cheap insurance, but it is an important one.
About AOV insurance

What is disability insurance (AOV insurance)?
Disability insurance (AOV insurance) is an insurance policy that covers the risk of disability. In the event of incapacity for work due to illness, accident or disability, a benefit is granted for a certain period. The occupational disability insurance is strongly aimed at the self-employed, independent professionals and director-major shareholders, but people in employment are also eligible within occupational disability insurance. However, a medical examination must always take place before an employed person can benefit from this type of insurance.

Who is disability insurance useful for?
In practice, disability insurance is primarily for entrepreneurs, the self-employed, and business owners. This is because this type of employment offers a smaller social net in the event of something going wrong. AOV insurance can, however, be useful for an employee, if the benefit they would receive for illness or injury preventing them from working wasn’t large enough in itself.
Contrary to what people sometimes think, it does not matter what profession someone has when it comes to AOV insurance. Whether it concerns an accountant, a lawyer, a flower bulb grower or a commercial adviser: they can all benefit from good disability insurance. Of course, there are professions in which the risk of incapacity for work is greater, such as a roofer, but that is of course not a problem if there is already a sufficiently large financial buffer.
At the same time, it is also nice if the entire financial buffer does not have to be used and if that buffer can also be used for other things, for example to invest or to lead a pleasant life. It is advisable to discuss the personal situation with an expert and to determine whether disability insurance is useful on the basis of this.
Insurers often offer more than just a benefit. For example, they also help with reintegration to work and life, and provide coaching to prevent incapacity for work.
In general, an AOV is recommended in the following cases:
There is no large financial buffer or a partner to fall back on in the event of illness or disability
The largest source of income the person’s own business
There are high fixed costs, for example for a house or a car
As the sole breadwinner, one has a family to support
It is not easy to practice another profession, for example due to the lack of diplomas or experience in other sectors
Obtaining a health assessment for disability insurance
An insurer always wants to know who or what it is insuring and wants to assess the risks on that basis. With car insurance for example, an insurer will want to know the age of the driver and will ask about the number of claim-free years. Based on this, an insurer can make a risk assessment. This risk assessment is extremely important for an insurer. Based on the risk assessment, he decides whether to offer an insurance contract, under what conditions and how high the premium will be.
With AOV insurance, an insurer naturally makes the risk assessment based on other data, but the principle remains the same. Insurers then consider, among other things, age, health and the risk of hereditary disorders. In order to be able to make the risk assessment, the AOV insurer invariably asks for a health statement.
The health declaration consists of a questionnaire that the applicant must complete. This form takes about thirty minutes to complete. Lying or withholding information is a violation of the duty of disclosure. The insurer can then refuse to grant a payment and can terminate the insurance. They can even reclaim benefits already paid. This can also affect the heirs. Therefore, always be open, honest and complete when completing the health declaration.
The answers to this questionnaire are assessed by a medical professional and the probability of disability is estimated. A professional medical opinion is offered to the insurance company with normal conditions, restrictive conditions, a higher premium, or with a recommendation of not offering any insurance at all. If the health declaration does not provide sufficient information to assess the application, the medical adviser can request information from a specialist or general practitioner. This is only possible with the consent of the applicant. Sometimes the medical service will request an additional medical examination.
The medical service will only share relevant information with the insurer, so that the privacy of the applicant is guaranteed. The insurer decides based on this information.
Four decisions are possible:
The insurer accepts the application, and the cooling-off period of 14 days begins to run
The insurer offers occupational disability insurance with extra conditions, for example without cover for the established back complaints
The insurer offers disability insurance with a higher premium, but without additional conditions or exclusions
The insurer refuses the application and explains why it is not possible to take out AOV insurance with him
Those who are refused can submit a new application to another insurer and go through the process described above again.
Amount of benefit
The payment amount will depend on the sum insured, which is shown on an annual basis. Is it not possible to insure a higher amount than 80% of the annual income. So, for example, for an annual income of 60,000 Euro, it is not possible to insure an amount higher than 48,.000 Euro. This would mean that a person can receive a maximum of 4,000 Euro per month. However, it is possible to choose a lower insured amount. Some insurers will test annually whether the income is still high enough for the chosen insured amount.
The disability percentage is also taken into account. You receive the amount of 4,000 euros when you are 100% incapacitated for work. For example, if the insured person is 50% incapacitated for work, they will receive a lower amount. This will not always be 50% of the maximum amount, because tables are often used to work out exactly what should be awarded. For example, you may receive a benefit of 55% for an incapacity for work between 50% and 60%.
These tables will usually contain two sections, namely section A and section B. Section A contains the benefit granted during the first year of incapacity for work. Category B contains the benefit that is granted during the remaining period of the disability. The amounts in these categories may be the same, but that is certainly not always the case. It is often the case that the amount in category A is higher than the amount in category B. In the short term there are therefore more costs to be incurred and things to arrange.
Compare occupational disability insurance (AOV)
There are many different AOV insurers that you can choose. Each offers different types of solutions with specific insurance policies and conditions. It is best to find the policy that covers your situation best and provides the most comprehensive coverage at a premium that suits you.
Benefit Duration
The benefit period can vary greatly between insurers. There are AOV insurance policies that grant benefits for a limited period of time, for example for a period of five years. There are also insurance policies that grant benefits until retirement. Of course, this is a bit more expensive. Some insurance policies even grant benefits beyond retirement age. In a bread fund, entrepreneurs set up an association together and make a monthly contribution. The bread fund will then donate an income when one of the participants becomes incapacitated for work. It works just like AOV insurance, but the entrepreneurs organize it completely themselves.
Incapacity for work criteria
In order to claim a benefit, the insured person must be incapacitated for work. The benefit is determined on the basis of the disability percentage. There are several ways to assess disability. In general, a distinction is made between insurance based on suitable work and insurance based on occupational disability.
An insurance based on suitable employment considers the strengths, skills, work experience and education of the insured person. It is then checked what work the insured person could still do, possibly at another company, and the degree of incapacity for work is determined on the basis of this.
In the case of insurance based on occupational disability, the insurer only takes into account the possibility of performing other work within the company in which the insured person works, possibly with an adapted work situation. The possibility of starting work at another company is therefore not looked at. This insurance will be more expensive.
In the past it sometimes happened that people judged things on the basis of the usual work. The generally accepted work was taken into account, but not, for example, the level of education or work experience. A dentist who can still work as a garbage collector, for example, is not completely incapacitated for work. Due to changes in society, insurance based on regular employment is no longer so common, but there are still insurers that offer it. The insurance premium is then even lower than with the insurance based on suitable work.
Exclusions and Limitations
Some disability insurance policies provide coverage for all causes, but usually there are some exclusions. There are even disability insurance policies that only grant benefits in the event of an accident or a serious condition, such as cancer or a heart attack. In the event of a minor ailment, the insured person will not receive a benefit. The more exclusions there are, the lower the premium will be.
Contract duration
With some insurers, the insurance contract can be cancelled at any point, but often there is a fixed term to go through first and the contract can only be cancelled after this fixed date. This fixed term is usually one year, three years or five years for most insurers. Always take the cancellation terms and periods into account because these can sometimes differ greatly.
End age
The end age indicates the age a person is insured until, the date up to which they can receive a benefit. The final age is often the same as the state pension age, but with some insurers it is possible to choose a higher final age. This possibility is often very limited, because the risk of an illness or an accident naturally increases rapidly with age. A lower final age can often be different between different occupations and insurers. In the case of heavy occupations, the insurer will sometimes itself have a maximum final age of 55 or 60 years.
Distribution percentage and distribution threshold
You do not have to be 100% incapacitated for work to receive a benefit. You can also receive a benefit if you are partially incapacitated for work. You often receive a percentage of the insured amount. The percentage of disability and the percentage of the insured amount need not be identical.
For example, it is possible that someone is 35% incapacitated for work and receives 30% of the insured amount or that someone is 55% incapacitated for work and receives 60% of the insured amount. Usually there is also a lower limit. Under a certain percentage of incapacity for work, no benefit will be paid. Usually this is 25%, but some insurers also use a higher lower limit or offer the possibility to raise the lower limit. Sometimes it is even possible to raise the lower limit to 80%, of course in exchange for a very low premium. Below is a fictitious example of a benefit table.
Incapacity rate | Percentage of the insured amount | Percentage of the insured amount |
80% to 100% | 100% | 100% |
65% to 80% | 80% | 75% |
55% to 65% | 60% | 55% |
45% to 55% | 50% | 45% |
35% to 45% | 40% | 35% |
25% to 35% | 30% | 25% |
< 25% | 0% | 0% |
Not all insurers index the insured amount or the payment. Indexing is important though, especially for those who are young now. Life is getting mor expensive all the time. 2,000 Euro might not be enough to cover all expenses in a month right now, but it will be the case twenty years from now. Some insurance companies will automatically index, but it is offered as an option by other insurers. You might even see different options, such as adjustment on an annual basis of the CBS index or you can adjust it on the basis of an agreed percentage that can be higher or lower than the actual inflation.
Maternity arrangement
Not all insurers grant benefits in case of pregnancy. If they do, there are often strict conditions attached to this. For example, the estimated date of delivery must usually be at least one year after the start date of the insurance and the benefit is often limited in time. With most insurers, the payment starts six weeks before the probable date of delivery and continues until ten weeks after this date.
The deductible period must also be taken into account. For example, if a sixteen-week benefit is awarded, but there is a four-week deductible, the benefit period will only be twelve weeks. The daily benefit is determined by dividing the insured amount in category A by 365. If the insured person becomes incapacitated for work after this sixteen-week period, for example due to problems during childbirth, the benefit will continue to be paid. The deductible period has already been applied.
The AOV benefit has no influence on the ZEZ benefit (Self-employed and Pregnant). It is true that some insurers adjust the AOV benefit if there is already a ZEZ benefit. Other insurers do not make a fuss about this and simply grant the AOV benefit on top of the ZEZ benefit. That's a nice bonus but not always the case and an AOV benefit remains desirable. A ZEZ benefit only grants a minimum income during maternity leave. This will not always suffice. In addition, the ZEZ benefit does not take into account illnesses, even if they are the result of childbirth or pregnancy. An AOV insurance does.
In other words, some insurers grant a payment in case of pregnancy, others do not. If they do, there are often conditions, exclusions and limitations attached. A number of insurers reduce the AOV benefit if there is already a ZEZ benefit, other insurers do not do this. If there is a desire to have children, it is advisable to take this into account when comparing different disability insurance policies.
Increase the insured amount
Over time, it may be possible that the initially agreed insured amount is no longer sufficient for your circumstances. It would be useful to increase the amount covered, for a higher premium, but this is not possible with all insurers, and there are often limits. It is usually the case that only once a year or once every three years the coverage can be increased, with a maximum of, for example, 10 or 20%. With some insurers it is also possible more often, but there are a number of medical questions to be answered first. In any case, the insurer will take into account the 80% limit: it is not possible to choose an insured amount that exceeds 80% of the annual income.
Compare self-employed and AOV insurances
Whether or not disability insurance is useful for a self-employed person is an individual matter and may differ for each person. Many self-employed people benefit from AOV insurances though, as they do not have large savings buffers in most cases, and there is always the possibility of fluctuating incomes. It is one of the reasons why more and more people are thinking about compulsory insurance for self-employed persons without employees. The government wants to better protect them with compulsory insurance for the self-employed. It is part of a broader set of measures to protect self-employed persons, such as the minimum wage. At the moment, disability insurance is not compulsory for self-employed persons without employees, but this may change in the coming years.
It is therefore incredibly important for self-employed people to compare disability insurance policies. The criteria mentioned earlier are all important, but you should definitely pay attention to the disability criteria. For self-employed persons without employees, it is generally even more important to opt for insurance based on occupational disability.
If you are just starting life as a self-employed person, it is advisable to choose an AOV insurance policy where you have the option to increase the insured amount over time. That way, if your income increases in the future, you can adjust what is covered. Always opt for an excess period that is not too long or a benefit threshold that is not too high.
How much does disability insurance cost?
Disability insurance is not necessarily cheap insurance to take out. The risks of someone becoming incapacitated for work during their lifetime might not be high, but if the insurer does have to pay out, it will be for high amounts over a long period of time.
It is only logical therefore, that the cost of disability insurance increases. The cost of disability insurance will depend on several factors:

Price-determining factor | Explanation |
Duration | The longer the term is, the higher the premium will be |
Profession | The premium is higher for an occupation with a higher risk of an accident or illness |
Insured amount | The higher the sum insured, the higher the premium to be paid will be |
Deductible period | The longer the deductible period is, the lower the premium will be |
Incapacity for work criterion | Insurance based on occupational disability is more expensive than insurance based on suitable work |
Benefit threshold | The higher the benefit threshold, the lower the premium will be |
Initial discount | With an insurer with an initial discount, you pay a lower premium in the first few years |
Also keep in mind that each insurer calculates the risk and the premium in its own way. This can sometimes lead to major differences between different insurance companies. That is why it is always advisable to request different quotes and compare them with each other before choosing the specific policy that suits your needs.
To give you an idea of what disability insurance costs, the target prices are shown below for a number of fictitious profiles. This makes it clear that every situation is different, and premiums are very personal. Therefore, always make a simulation based on your own preferences:
Year of birth | 1992 | 1987 | 1975 | 1971 |
Profession | Administration advisor | Editor | Plumber (incl. roof decks) | Secretary |
Sex | Man | Man | Man | Woman |
Annual income (€) | 60.000 | 25.000 | 45.000 | 50.000 |
Kilometers driven per year | < 20.000 (car) | < 20.000 (car) | 50.000 (car) | < 20.000 (car) |
Insured percentage of income | 80% | 80% | 60% | 70% |
Benefit until | 67 years | 68 years | 60 years | 67 years |
Incapacity for work criterion | Appropriate work | Current work | Current work | Current work |
Indexing | No | Yes, CBS index | Yes, by 3% | Yes, by 4% |
Deductible term | 2 months | 1 months | 2 months | 12 months |
Benefit threshold | 25% | 45% | 35% | 25% |
Best price | € 67,05 per month | € 43,74 per month | € 123,11 per month | € 43,08 per month |
Save on disability insurance
If you understand a bit more about how the cost of disability insurance is calculated, you can begin to learn how to save money on it. There are many different choices you can make, and within these are plenty of ways to make savings.
Make sure that the insurance fits your personal situation, with cost savings on disability insurance available in the following ways:
Choose a longer waiting time
Start at a young age
Choose a lower insured amount
Consider alternatives
Limit the final age
Choose a higher benefit threshold
Insure for suitable work
You must declare the premium to the Tax and Customs Administration
Choose an age-dependent rate
Compare AOV insurance
Take advantage of the initial discount
Choose a longer waiting time
Many entrepreneurs opt for the shortest possible waiting time, because it is of course never nice to receive no income at all. The waiting period is usually 30 days. By choosing a longer waiting time, it is possible to save a significant amount. Make sure that there is enough money left over to live on during the waiting period, for example because some money has already been saved or because a bread fund already awards a benefit.
Year of birth | 1992 | 1992 | 1992 | 1992 |
Profession | Administration advisor | Administration advisor | Administration advisor | Administration advisor |
Sex | Man | Man | Man | Man |
Annual income (€) | €60.000 | €60.000 | €60.000 | €60.000 |
Kilometers driven per year | < 20.000 (car) | < 20.000 (car) | < 20.000 (car) | < 20.000 (car) |
Insured percentage of income | 80% | 80% | 80% | 80% |
Benefit until | 67 years | 67 years | 67 years | 67 years |
Incapacity for work criterion | Appropriate work | Appropriate work | Appropriate work | Appropriate work |
Indexing | No | No | No | No |
Deductible term | 1 month | 2 months | 6 months | 24 months |
Benefit threshold | 25% | 25% | 25% | 25% |
Best price | € 78,69 | € 67,05 | € 55,80 | € 41,38 |
Start at a young age
Young people often don't think about accidents or illnesses that change their lives forever. As one grows older, such concerns increase. It is advisable to take out disability insurance at the earliest possible age, because it quickly becomes more expensive the older you get. Moreover, an accident can also occur at a young age, and it is never a good idea to be uninsured.
Choose a lower insured amount
The amount insured determines the premium to be paid. In general, it is possible to insure up to 80% of a person’s income and that is what many people do. However, not everyone needs 80% of the income to survive, so you can save some money by reducing the insured amount. Some examples can be seen below:
Year of birth | 1992 | 1992 | 1992 | 1992 |
Profession | Administration advisor | Administration advisor | Administration advisor | Administration advisor |
Sex | Man | Man | Man | Man |
Annual income (€) | €60.000 | €60.000 | €60.000 | €60.000 |
Kilometers driven per year | < 20.000 (car) | < 20.000 (car) | < 20.000 (car) | < 20.000 (car) |
Insured percentage of income | 55% | 60% | 70% | 80% |
Benefit until | 67 years | 67 years | 67 years | 67 years |
Incapacity for work criterion | Appropriate work | Appropriate work | Appropriate work | Appropriate work |
Indexing | No | No | No | No |
Deductible term | 2 months | 2 months | 2 months | 2 months |
Benefit threshold | 25% | 25% | 25% | 25% |
Best price | € 48,18 | € 51,96 | € 59,50 | € 67,05 |
Consider alternatives
Disability insurance is certainly not the only way to cover the risk of disability. For example, a bread fund can also be interesting, just like ‘crowdsurance’. Such alternatives are much cheaper, but the benefit period is limited. It may be smart to combine them with AOV insurance. For example, the bread fund will grant a benefit for the first two years, after which the AOV insurance will take over. This can be more economical than choosing a short waiting time.
Limit the final age
Many people choose to have AOV insurance that continues until retirement age, but that is not necessary at all. For example, if your mortgage has been paid off earlier and if there is a second income, you may be able to do without a benefit earlier. This is a consideration for the insured person to make themselves when choosing a policy. By changing the final age, you might save a considerable amount of money, but it is a risk if you suffer an accident at an older age.
Year of birth | 1992 | 1992 | 1992 | 1992 |
Profession | Administration advisor | Administration advisor | Administration advisor | Administration advisor |
Sex | Man | Man | Man | Man |
Annual income (€) | €60.000 | €60.000 | €60.000 | €60.000 |
Kilometers driven per year | < 20.000 (car) | < 20.000 (car) | < 20.000 (car) | < 20.000 (car) |
Insured percentage of income | 55% | 60% | 70% | 80% |
Benefit until | 55 years | 62 years | 67 years | 68 years |
Incapacity for work criterion | Appropriate work | Appropriate work | Appropriate work | Appropriate work |
Indexing | No | No | No | No |
Deductible term | 2 months | 2 months | 2 months | 2 months |
Benefit threshold | 25% | 25% | 25% | 25% |
Best price | € 58,29 | € 63,85 | € 67,05 | € 67,62 |
Choose a higher benefit threshold
The insurer will only pay out when someone reaches a certain degree of incapacity for work. Usually, a person must be at least 25% incapacitated for work. It is possible to increase this percentage, sometimes even up to 80%. Then you will receive a benefit less quickly, but you will also have to pay a lower premium.
Year of birth | 1992 | 1992 | 1992 |
Profession | Administration advisor | Administration advisor | Administration advisor |
Sex | Man | Man | Man |
Annual income (€) | €60.000 | €60.000 | €60.000 |
Kilometers driven per year | < 20.000 (car) | < 20.000 (car) | < 20.000 (car) |
Insured percentage of income | 80% | 80% | 80% |
Benefit until | 67 years | 67 years | 67 years |
Incapacity for work criterion | Appropriate work | Appropriate work | Appropriate work |
Indexing | No | No | No |
Deductible term | 2 months | 2 months | 2 months |
Benefit threshold | 25% | 35% | 45% |
Best price | € 67,05 | € 64,37 | € 61,68 |
Insurance for suitable work
Insurance for suitable work is cheaper, while there is no immediate extra risk. The insurer simply takes into account that it is still possible to work in a different occupation and the insured can do so. Savings can be up to 10%. In these cases:
Year of birth | 1992 | 1992 |
Profession | Administration advisor | Administration advisor |
Sex | Man | Man |
Annual income (€) | €60.000 | €60.000 |
Kilometers driven per year | < 20.000 (car) | < 20.000 (car) |
Insured percentage of income | 80% | 80% |
Benefit until | 67 years | 67 years |
Incapacity for work criterion | Appropriate work | Appropriate work |
Indexing | No | No |
Deductible term | 2 months | 2 months |
Benefit threshold | 25% | 35% |
Best price | € 67,05 | € 72,28 |
You must declare the premium to the Tax and Customs Administration
Entrepreneurs can count on all kinds of deductions, including the premium for the disability insurance. This can save hundreds of Euro per year because there are fewer taxes to pay. Be sure to inform your accountant of the existence of the disability insurance and make use of this deduction.
Choose an age-dependent rate
Disability insurers often offer two rates. For example, it is possible to pay a fixed standard rate during the entire term. This means that you actually pay more than you need, compared to the risk during the early years of the policy, but at an older age, people will pay too little in relation to their risk.
An alternative is to choose an age-dependent rate, where the insured person always pays amount based on the generated risk. At a young age, this premium will be lower than it becomes the older you get. This can be useful, as you have more money left over at a young age, to spend, invest, and grow your company, and the money can be used to accumulate assets.
A combi-rate is another option from some insurers. In addition, an age-dependent and lower rate applies in the first few years of the policy, and people switch to a standard rate at a later date. This formula combines with an initial discount and makes AOV insurance more accessible.
Compare AOV insurance
Comparing different insurance policies is always important, and this is no different with disability insurance. Always consider the premiums, the coverage, and conditions, and ensure that it suits your personal circumstances.
Comparing disability insurance policies is easy via a comparison site. You. Might find that one insurance policy is hundreds of Euro more expensive than the cheapest offering the same coverage, so make sure you find the insurer and policy that suits you.
Take advantage of the initial discount
Disability insurance is a very competitive insurance product. That is why insurers often grant initial discounts. During the first years, the insured will then receive a discount on the insurance premium. Allianz, De Goudse and Klaverblad, among others, offer such a discount. This can make it interesting to switch regularly and to claim a discount every time. However, there are risks associated with this, so always pay attention to the entry and exit risk with each insurer.
Switching from disability insurance
Switching to another disability insurer can be interesting, but there are a number of risks involved. It is important to check whether or not switching to a new AOV insurer is worthwhile. There are various considerations to be made for you to make the choice to switch.
Entry and exit risks when switching to another AOV insurance
When switching to a new AOV insurer, it is always important to take a closer look at the run-in and run-out risk. The problem is that the current agreement must be terminated in time and that the new agreement only starts running afterwards, ensuring that there is no period where you have overlap of insurance or no insurance coverage at all.
The new insurer often only considers claims that occur after the policy has taken effect. For example, if the current policy runs until December 31 and you have already been accepted by a new insurer on August 1, the new insurer will not automatically cover the deterioration of health between August 1 and December 31. If the health deteriorates before the start of the new policy, this can therefore have major consequences. This is also referred to as the run-in risk. There are, however, insurers who will approve and accept the health situation earlier.
If the new insurer does not cover the run-in risk, it is not the end of the world. The condition could be that the current insurer covers the run-off risk. This means that the current insurer will still pay for a certain period after the end of the insurance contract if the disability arose during the insured period.
Changing conditions after the expiry of the contract period
After the contract period has expired, it is possible to switch to a new AOV insurer, usually after a notice period. Sometimes an ‘en-bloc clause’ is included in an insurance contract. This clause allows the insurer to unilaterally adjust or increase the premium after the end of the contract period. In such cases, it may be advisable to switch to another occupational disability insurer.
Discount with the new disability insurer
Insurers want to attract new customers and therefore often grant all kinds of discounts. This initial discount can be up to 30% during the first year and only applies to new customers. There are even insurers that grant initial discounts during the first three years of a policy. It can be beneficial to keep an eye on different insurers and policies every few years to see if you can get a better deal and discount by switching insurers.
Switching is not equally interesting for everyone
When switching, advice and closing costs are often charged, which means that it is not always financially more advantageous for you to switch. Switching is often only a good idea if your current health situation is good and not too much has been claimed in the past. Otherwise, you may run into problems with regard to medical acceptance. For those who already have a medical history, there is often little choice but to stay with their current AOV insurer. Even if this AOV insurer offers a higher premium via an en-bloc clause.
Insurers who offer disability insurance
There are many insurers out there offering disability insurance, and those that focus on entrepreneurs, business owners and the self-employed, offering AOV insurance. Each has its own rates and conditions, so always make a point of finding as much detail and information as possible from all insurers you look at, before choosing the best disability insurance for your needs. The following insurers are some that offer disability insurance:
Avero Achmea
Central management
Zeeland Insurance
The Gouda
National Netherlands
For some insurers it is possible to take out disability insurance online, but for others they require the process to be completed through an advisor. Either way, we would always advise seeking professional assistance before committing to a policy. That way, your policy will be tailored to your specific needs, limiting the risk of problems later on.
Frequently asked questions about disability insurance
Disability insurance is a popular insurance for entrepreneurs, but it is also quite complex at the same time. It is therefore not surprising that questions about this regularly arise.
Can an insurer just ask for information about my health?
For an AOV insurer, knowledge about the state of a person’s health is required to assess the application. In doing so, the insurer must consider the provisions of the Wmk (Medical Examinations Act) and the Insurance Examinations Protocol. Based on this, the Dutch Association of Insurers has drawn up a model health statement. The questions included in these model statements may be asked by the AOV insurer. What the insurer may or may not charge sometimes depends on the sum insured. There is a question limit. If the sum insured is below the question limit, an insurer is not allowed to ask certain questions, for example about hereditary diseases in the family. This is permitted if the sum insured exceeds the demand limit. The insurer may then also ask about the results of any preventive operations. The amount of the question limit is adjusted every three years.
I want to take out AOV insurance. Do I have to have a medical examination?
A medical examination is no longer a standard requirement. Only if the health declaration and/or the requested information does not provide sufficient clarity, it may be necessary to have a specific inspection carried out. Even when people become ill and appeal to the AOV insurance, they will often ask for a medical examination. This is necessary, among other things, to determine the percentage of disability and to check whether there has been a lie or omission when completing the health declaration.
Is my AOV premium tax deductible?
Yes, an AOV premium is tax deductible. The premium is deductible from the income in Box 1. However, it is not a cost item for the company. Both self-employed persons and self-employed persons with staff, DGAs, owners of one-man businesses and partners in CVs, partnerships and general partnerships can deduct the premium for tax purposes.
Someone else is responsible for the accident? Can I also receive an AOV benefit?
Yes, it is not necessary to wait for any damages from the liable party. If the conditions are met, the AOV benefit will simply pay out. This will be considered when calculating a claim, for example when calculating the loss of income. On the other hand, this does not mean that the liable party does not have to pay a few things, because the AOV insurer can in turn submit a claim for damages to the liable party to reclaim the benefits.
What if I cannot get AOV insurance?
If it is not possible for medical reasons to take out regular AOV insurance, the safety net insurance can offer a solution. Safety net insurance must be applied for within a period of fifteen months after the start of the business. There is an excess period of one year and a reduced earning capacity of at least 35%. The benefit amounts to a maximum of 70% of the minimum wage and is granted up to the state pension age. In other words, it is a very limited social safety net, but a small safety net is better than no safety net.
Can the AOV insurer cancel the AOV insurance?
Yes, but only in a limited number of cases. This is the case, for example, if there is a default in payment. Even if the insured person changes their profession and the new risk is not acceptable to the insurer, he can cancel the AOV insurance contract. The same applies if the insured permanently settles abroad or if the insured's company goes bankrupt. Finally, the insurer can cancel the contract if the insured has not complied with the notification obligation. That is why it is very important to always be honest when completing the health declaration.